“PALS” started recently and those students that were invited to have a high school PAL have been really excited to meet each week with their PALS! Please feel free to email me at kristen.waters@noconaisd.net to learn more about this program. Another program that has been going on since school started is “Backpack Buddies”. If your child could benefit from picking up a bag of food on Thursdays and/or Fridays, let me know and I can get a form to you to become a part of this program.
I have shared a “counseling room” with students that contains links to several websites to help with anxiety, stress, depression, conflict resolution, social skills, bullying, career preparation, etc. I will continue to add to it as the year goes on. You should be able to access it on the link below.
*6th grade will complete the “healthy relationships” course this year, which will address bullying, boundary setting, and communication skills
*7th grade will complete the “stress management” course this year, which will address depression/anxiety
*8th grade will complete the “career fair” and individual meetings to discuss plans for high school/careers