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Karri Hackley

Nocona Elementary Counseling program works by Identifying student needs through data and consulting with other stakeholders to develop the program.  We address students’ academic, career and social/emotional development in addition to balancing the delivery methods, recognizing that students learn in multiple ways and have various needs.  As a counselor, I support students, parents and teachers. I also go in to the classrooms of PreK-5th grade and teach character lessons, focusing on subjects like good manners, kindness and bullying.  We also have friendship groups to help students develop social skills and develop cooperation  and respect of others.  In addition, students  have the opportunity to visit with me if they have a problem to solve or are looking for support (emotionally or academically).



Karri Hackley

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Contact Karri Hackley

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
Conference Time: