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Janice Kincy

Welcome to my online classroom!  The Power Points that will be used for each unit in each of my classes will be posted on Google Docs for student access.  Refer to my Classroom Management handout for any additional information such as classroom procedures and rules, grading policies, due dates, etc.  The link is provided below.  Individual class assignments are always listed on my whiteboard with assignment due dates for your convenience.

The links below include the TEKS Resource System Scope and Sequence and the Instructional Focus Document for the current Biology and Environmental Science Units, class syllabuses, and my classroom management policy. 

Biology Scope and Sequence

Biology Course Syllabus

Environmental Science Course Syllabus

Environmental Science Scope and Sequence

AP Biology Course Overview

Kincy’s Class Room Management Policy 2023-2024

Janice Kincy

Upcoming Events

Contact Janice Kincy

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
Conference Time:
5th Period